Davide Rivituso
Requisiti necessari per il GL:
- Conoscenza dell’inglese
- Capacità di supportare il gruppo nell’integrazione con i vari partecipanti e nelle attività che verranno proposte.
- Responsabilità (es.: puntualità, raccolta di tutti i boarding passes del gruppo, punto di riferimento del gruppo italiano)
Tutti i partecipanti, così come i group leader, lavoreranno sempre in gruppi e contesti interculturali, ovvero con i partecipanti provenienti da vari paesi europei. L’obiettivo è di stimolare il dialogo e le attività educative e ludiche con giovani di tutta europa.
In basso trovate la descrizione del progetto in inglese.
Non esitate a contattarmi per qualsiasi chiarimento o dubbio.
Chi fosse interessato mi contatti per mail scrivendo:
- La propria motivazione
- L’età
- Il numero di telefono (possibilmente, per potervi contattare e spiegare per telefono possibili dubbi).
scambiculturali@cesie.org - +39 091 6164224
PARADISE CITY is an intercultural youth project for 25 young European people. The project is dedicated to the “European Year for Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion”. The project theme is „Paradise. PARADISE CITY multiplies and further develops the activities of the previous project called PARADISE 2010 and unites all the results into a shared intercultural final media exhibition. The young people of PARADISE CITY stage public places in their hometowns together with local inhabitants. As a medium they make use of the logo PARADISE made out of a multicoloured 3D material. The public places in their hometowns are the equivalent to the places they have been reported in PARADISE 2010, which is to say places where everyone - regardless of age and background – experiences something special, something valuable without paying for it. The young participants document their logo “on public stage” productions with text, pictures and sound recordings. They bring them to Berlin and present their documentation in intercultural group dialogues. They jointly build PARADISE CITY, a media exhibition with all the materials from the projects PARADISE CITY and PARADISE 2010. PARADISE CITY is a project of the series CITY CONTACT. The young participants will continuously publish all media and documentation on www.citycontact.eu.
Follow our guide-lines and you won't get lost in the beginning of your experience
Get a flat in the city-center at local prices
Info about parties,
activities and pictures
Beautiful pictures and info about the city
Info about the most known clubs of the city-center
Discover some tasty specialties from our region
Videos of the past years by other International students
Videos of some typical Sicilian song
Per le ragazze prova svolta da Serena con il suo "GIN TONIC CON TANTA VITAMINA C"
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